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hnědobílá    nar. 24.10.2019

Artusch od Appaloosek x Flower of Old Hill Ria
chov. Stanislava Balogová   
maj. Stanislava Balogová, Ústí nad Labem

Hearther Turner (GB) sobota 13. 5. 2023
Hodnocení: Velmi dobrá
Posudek: well constructed dog, correct bone, a bit close behind when moving away and too proud of his tail today

Darren Clarke (GB) neděle 14. 5. 2023
Hodnocení: Výborná 4
Posudek: brown dog of excellent proportions, well balanced head, good eye and ears, medium neck, good angulation front and rear, needs more chest-more deeper, good mover, has reach and drive, but tail carriage too high

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