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ee red    nar. 13.03.2016

Detania Victory x PADMÉ AMIDALA Bohemia Alké
chov. Schwabová Jaroslava   
maj. Bezvodová Lucie, Brázdim

Marina Scott (GB) neděle 1. 9. 2019
Hodnocení: Výborná 4
Posudek: Athletic and feminine body, good body size, nice front and rear angulation, keen and alert expression, moves gracefully around the ring, with lovely low head and tail carriage.

Hilary Kerr (GB) sobota 31. 8. 2019
Hodnocení: Výborná 4
Posudek: beautifully shaped bitch, excellent well muscled condition, good neck and shoulders, she is very pretty, attentive to a handler, beautiful eyes, good turn of stifle, moved well

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