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černobílá    nar. 15.02.2017

Very Tricky Alderaan x SUNNY BLUE Foxy Fox
chov. Půlpánová Helena   
maj. Černochová Kateřina, Ostrava

Marina Scott (GB) neděle 1. 9. 2019
Hodnocení: Výborná 2, r. CAC
Posudek: A big girl with just enough bone, very feminine and athletic appearance, good head, shape of eye, nice length of muzzle, very keen and alert, covers a lot of ground in each step.

Hilary Kerr (GB) sobota 31. 8. 2019
Hodnocení: Výborná 2, r. CAC
Posudek: beautifuly presented bw bitch, exc condition, good expression, good use of ears, lovely front, exc lenght of neck and layed shoulders, good tail lenght, moved very well. attentive to a handler

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