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blue merle    nar. 20.11.2007

LITHE Bohemia Alké x ACCRA Moonvillage
chov. Kouklíková Julie   
maj. Popelová Zuzana, Tlumačov

Hilary Kerr (GB) neděle 1. 9. 2019
Hodnocení: Velmi dobrá
Posudek: blue merle in good condition, good head and eye colour, good use of ears, good topline, would prefer longer tail, moved well, presented in a very good condition and well handled

Marina Scott (GB) sobota 31. 8. 2019
Hodnocení: Velmi dobrá
Posudek: Would like a bigger all over, too heavy in stop, ok shoulders, level back, low set tail, tail could be longer, very alert.

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