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ee red    nar. 26.06.2018

Iced Jack of Dashing Dawn x Fibienne z Jasmínových hor
chov. Vojtěšková Kateřina   
maj. Vojtěšková Kateřina, Hustopeče

Marina Scott (GB) neděle 1. 9. 2019
Hodnocení: Velmi dobrá
Posudek: A little overshot in bite, she is really small all over, but in proportion, really drops and drives on the move, holding a level topline, well tipped ears, with keen expression.

Hilary Kerr (GB) sobota 31. 8. 2019
Hodnocení: Velmi dobrá
Posudek: 14 months old bitch, small compact bitch, good bite, lovely eyes, good overall shape, good turn of stifle, exc. tail lenght, coat needs some refresh- its really dry

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