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černobílá    nar. 11.08.2018

Twinkle Drake z Černobílých x Brilliance Baileys Fitmin
chov. Štěpánek Zdeněk   
maj. Etlíková Markéta, Praha

Marina Scott (GB) neděle 1. 9. 2019
Hodnocení: Velmi dobrá
Posudek: A little too fine in bond, lacking in coat, very attractive head, with medium size ears, which are well used, needs to drop in chest, nice turn of stifle, long tail, just carrying her tail a fraction high.

Hilary Kerr (GB) sobota 31. 8. 2019
Hodnocení: Velmi dobrá
Posudek: 12 months old bitch, lovely overall shape, good lay of shoulders, exc. turn of stifle, lacking in coat, but that will come

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